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LPI 102-500 exam practice test questions
Which of the following connection types, as seen in nmcli connection show, may exist in NetworkManager? (Choose
A. tcp
B. ethernet
C. wifi
D. ipv6
E. bridge
Correct Answer: BCE
FILL BLANK What command list the aliases defined in the current Bash shell? (Specify only the command without any
path or parameters.)
Correct Answer: alias
When using X11 forwarding in SSH, what environment variable is automatically set in the remote shell in order to help
applications to connect to the correct X11 server? (Specify only the environment variable without any additional
commands or values.)
Correct Answer: DISPLAY
Which of the following is true about IPv6?
A. IPv6 no longer supports broadcast addresses.
B. With IPv6, the TCP port numbers of most services have changed.
C. IPv4 addresses can be used without any change with IPv6.
D. IPv6 no longer supports multicast addresses.
E. For IPv6, UDP and TCP have been replaced by the Rapid Transmission Protocol RTP.
Correct Answer: A
Which option in the chrony configuration file changes the initial interval of polls to a NTP server in order to speed up the
initial synchronization?
A. iburst
B. quickstart
C. fast
D. fsync
E. flood
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following tasks can the date command accomplish? (Choose two.)
A. Set the system\\’s date and time.
B. Set the system\\’s date but not the time.
C. Calculate the time span between two dates.
D. Print a calendar for a month or a year.
E. Display time in a specific format.
Correct Answer: AE
What is the purpose of TCP wrapper?
A. Manage and adjust bandwidth used by TCP services.
B. Bind a network service to a TCP port.
C. Encapsulate TCP messages in IP packets.
D. Add SSL support to plain text TCP services.
E. Limit access to a network service.
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following commands finds all files owned by root that have the SetUID bit set?
A. find / -user root -perm -4000
B. find / -user 0 -mode +s
C. find / -owner root -setuid
D. find / -owner 0 -permbits 0x100000000
E. find / –filter uid=1 –filter pers=u+s
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following commands sets the system\\’s time zone to the Canadian Eastern Time?
A. localegen -t -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/Canada/Eastern > /etc/locate.tz
B. tzconf /etc/localtime
C. sysctl -w clock.tz=\\’Canada/Eastern\\’
D. modprobe tz_ca_est
E. ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Canada/Eastern /etc/localtime
Correct Answer: E
FILL BLANK What is the top-level directory which contains the configuration files for CUPS? (Specify the full path to the
Correct Answer: /etc/cups/ cups-files.conf
Which of the following commands lists all queued print jobs?
A. lpd
B. lpr
C. lp
D. lsq
E. lpq
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following commands puts the output of the command date into the shell variable mydate?
A. mydate=”date”
B. mydate=”exec date”
C. mydate=”$((date))”
D. mydate=”$(date)”
E. mydate=”${date}”
Correct Answer: D
FILL BLANK The presence of what file will temporarily prevent all users except root from logging into a system? (Specify
the full name of the file, including path.)
Correct Answer: /sbin/nologin
LPI 102-500 pdf free download
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